photo of author standing above a ravine near the Mississippi River Gorge

Sara Lynne Puotinen lives in south Minneapolis, near the Mississippi River Gorge, where she reads and writes and tries to be upright and outside as much as possible. She earned a B.A. in religion, an M.A. in ethics, and a Ph.D in women’s studies, which all inform her experiments in paying attention and her playful troubling of what it means to write while running (or swimming or moving), to run while writing, and to do both while losing her central vision from a degenerative eye disease (cone dystrophy).

Since 2017, she has been keeping an online log of her weekly runs beside the Mississippi River Gorge in south Minneapolis and using those logs to write poetry and creative non-fiction. You can find this log at run.sarapuotinen.com.

Prior to discovering a love for poetry and lyric essays, she was an academic. For more on that life, check out her online autobiography Undisciplined Dossier, her CV, her site about the process of undisciplining herself, or her academic blog devoted to making and staying in TROUBLE.

Contact: sara@room34.com

Author photo by Scott Anderson.